Central Laboratory
This quest or instance can be repeated. This quest or instance has a 16 hrs cooldown period.
Last updated
This quest or instance can be repeated. This quest or instance has a 16 hrs cooldown period.
Last updated
Base Level:
1+ Member
Quest Prerequisite(s):
To Phantasmagorika! Step 22
Mini-Boss / Boss loots
The Central Laboratory Instance pits players against up to 3 possible MVP's, one at a time. The bosses that may appear are not pre-determined by pattern, so it may require more preparation than usual despite not all of it being put into use.
Bringing all elemental converters and armors will greatly improve the chance of completing the instance. Full Chemical Protection will also help as multiple MVP's and boss slaves here can break or divest equipment. Party play is also encouraged for clearing the stronger bosses.
Instance Cooldown Quest Name : Trace of Laboratory Access
Talk to Civilization Explorer(verus01 149, 155)at Verus Lab-OPTATIO to open the instance. Talk to the Temporary Dimension-mover device next to him to enter.
Once inside, talk to the Probationary Researcher beside the door to gain access through the first 3 doors.
Talk to the Senior Researcher to receive the day's access code, input the code in binary form by turning the switches on the wall On/Off, then activate the Main Switch near the door to submit your code and to gain access to the next room (details in the next section).
Make your way to the large particle accelerator room where the other researchers are waiting to conduct an experiment to obtain inter-dimensional materials.
Deal with the hostile monsters summoned by MOTHER Comp MA-4885, the malfunctioning newly installed CPU.
As the laboratory falls apart and the sequence ends, evacuate from the facility through a portal opened up on the central-eastern side of the room.
The 4th door encountered in the instance has a unique puzzle where the daily access code needs to be entered in binary form using the 8 switches embedded on the wall. Each switch refers to one digit, with OFF-state being 0 and ON as 1, for up to 8 digits. All switches are turned Off by default, so all instance runs start with the switches pre-set to 0000 0000. To make it easier to remember the switch values just like with binary, the starting right-most digit/switch always has the numerical value of 1, with every following digit/switch to the left increasing that numerical value times 2. The access code for any day of the year can be predicted with the following formula:
Talk to the Senior Researcher to receive the day's access code.
Input the code in binary form by turning the switches on the wall On/Off.
Activate the Main Switch near the door to submit your code and check if the solution matches.
So in order to advance beyond the 4th door, the player can find the solution to the puzzle by using any of the following methods:
1. Direct Binary Conversion (fastest way)
The fastest way to find the binary version is to use online converters like the following:
2. Other Methods
•2.1 Windows Calculator: can also show binary conversion when set to Programmer Mode (Alt + 3)
•2.2 On-site Computation: with how the puzzle is set up, it is possible to come up with the solution without actively looking for the binary code. This may take time to learn initially, but once learned, you'll be able to figure out how to complete this stage without needing an external converter every time.
How to solve: Think of this stage as a Math puzzle, where the access code is a total Sum that you need to achieve. Each switch then holds a specific value and once you turn On a switch it is included in the computation to get the access code.
As was shown in the graphic earlier, the values on each of the switches are:
All you have to do next is activate the switches with values needed to reach a sum equal to the access code. A Tip you can follow (specifically for this puzzle) is to turn on the highest-valued switch first. For example: If getting an access code of 70, you can close that gap quickly by first going for the switch with the next highest value, which would be Switch 2 (64), and then looking through the remaining switches for the remaining value of 6, which would then be reached by adding Switch 6 (4) + Switch 7 (2).
An access code of 65 would be solved as:
This gives a value of (64) + (1) which adds up to the day's code of 65. 65, when written in Binary form, also shows as 0100 0001.
An access code of 115 would be solved as:
This gives a value of (64) + (32) + (16) + (2) + (1) which adds up to the day's code of 115. 115, when written in Binary form, also shows as 0111 0011.
Due to how the binary system is set up, there is only one possible solution for each access code.
The access code is always a multiple of 5 and increases by 5 every day until it resets.
If the access code is an odd number, or in this case ending in 5, the binary code always ends in a 1, meaning that the right-most switch, Switch 8 will be On. Likewise, if the access code is an even number, or in this case ending in 0, Switch 8 will instead be Off''
The puzzle doesn't fail when the wrong code is given. So you can constantly recheck your solution along the way by checking with the Main Switch NPC.
Mini-Bosses spawn (spawns in ANY stage)
Vagabond Wolf
The MVP spawns in the center of the accelerator so move farther way to avoid being rushed by the Unidentified MVP. The boss is not named, so review each of the MVP in the list to identify their sprite when it appears.
Random Boss Spawn
Orc Hero
Orc Lord
Uses Earthquake
Can break armor
Bomb breaks weapon. Bring Fire armor
Golden Thief Bug
Uses Shield Reflect
Uses Jupitel Thunder. Bring Wind armor
Moonlight Flower
Uses Full Divestment
Lady Tanee
Uses Earthquake
Random Boss Spawn
Uses Darkbreath
Uses Waterball. Bring Water armor
Stormy Knight
Spawned with 2 Hatii MVP as slaves. Uses Storm Gust. Bring Freeze-protection and Water armor
Uses Shield Reflect. Bring Fire or Water armor
Lord of the Dead
Slaves use Divest Weapon.
Dark Lord
Uses Meteor Storm. Bring Fire armor
Uses Storm Gust. Bring Freeze-protection and Water armor
White Lady
Uses Waterball. Bring Water armor
Uses Waterball and Storm Gust. Bring Freeze-protection and Water armor
Memory of Thanatos
Random Boss Spawn
RSX 0806
Uses Earthquake
Evil Snake Lord
Uses Frost Driver. Bring Freeze protection
Turtle General
Uses Waterball. Bring Water armor
Uses Shield Reflect, Meteor Storm, and Lord of Vermillion. Bring Fire and Wind armor/reductions
Gloom Under Night
Bomb breaks weapon. Bring Fire armor.
Queen Scaraba
Valkyrie Randgris
Uses Lord of Vermillion, and Earthquake. Bring Holy armor.
Uses Waterball. Bring Water armor
Bomb breaks weapon. Bring Fire armor.
Uses Full Divestment and Earthquake. Bring Fire armor and neutral reductions.
Bring Neutral reductions.
Decimal to Binary Converter: