EPISODE 17.1 - Illusion
Last updated
Last updated
Main Town : Security Special Area - Cor
Rudus Dungeon
After being at least level 110 with Rudus Investigation from episode 17.1 Illusion completed, to access the dungeon you need to go to Einbroch.
Talk with Rebellion Member at
(ein_fild05 156, 288)to enter.
The list of monsters for each floor in the dungeon.
Poison 2
Poison 2
Twin Caputs
Shadow 2
Neutral 2
High Hunter Bellare
Neutral 3
High Hunter Sanare
Shadow 3
Mutant Dolor
Poison 3
Server Modified
Neutral 4
Mutant Dolor
Poison 3
Twin Caput
Shadow 2
Neutral 3
Neutral 2
You need to be at least level 200 and have episode 17.1 Illusion completed.
To get access, go to northeast Einbroch's Cat on Bullet einbroch302328 and inside talk with Julma pub_cat9443 to get the permission.
To enter the 4th floor, go to the 3rd floor of Rudus and talk with Paian at sp_rudus338042.
Complete these extra steps to gain access to daily quests.
4. After talking to Paian at the 3rd floor, return to Julma. 5. Talk to her several times and choose any option.
Daily Quests unlocked.
Talk to Julma pub_cat9443 who asks you to kill the following:
10 Dolorian
10 Plagarion
10 Deadre
Return to her after finished.
Base Level:
10 Dolorian 10 Plagarion 10 Deadre
Quest Prerequisite(s):
Side quest above
Base Experience:
15,915,940 Base EXP
Job Experience:
11,141,160 Job EXP
Talk to Julma pub_cat9443 who asks you to kill the following:
15 Giant Caput
15 Venedi
Return to her after finished.
Base Level:
15 Giant Caput 15 Venedi
Quest Prerequisite(s):
Side quest above
Base Experience:
15,176,970 Base EXP
Job Experience:
11,001,900 Job EXP
Talk to Julma pub_cat9443 who asks you to find and talk to Secret Wing Researcher sp_rudus4192204 in Rudus Floor 4.
Return to her after finished.
Base Level:
Quest Prerequisite(s):
Side quest above
Base Experience:
15,000,000 Base EXP
Job Experience:
11,000,000 Job EXP
Monster List
Giant Caput
Neutral 2
Poison 3
Poison 3
Shadow 2
Neutral 2
Server Modified
Shadow 2
Base Level:
Sorrow Crob
Base Experience:
1,000,000 Base EXP
Job Experience:
800,000 Job EXP
Tes tells the player of an unexpected guest in the back room. Proceed to the back room by talking to the Rebellion Retiree(pub_cat 104, 106)who is standing nearby, to the right of Tes.
Inside, talk to Tes first. The player meets Kaya Tos (Middle-aged Gentleman), Aas(Senior Rekenber Guard), and Est Loveroy. Long dialogue follow explaining that Rekenber's annex lab, Regenschirm, was occupied by assailants that looked like Heart Hunters under the command of someone named Chelin, a former captain of rekenber's security team.
Then talk to Middle-aged Gentleman Kaya. He request that you help Est in reclaiming the lab.
Go to Lighthalzen. Look at the mini map, go to the the left-hand building of Rekenber's HQ and speak to Republic Guard(lighthalzen 56, 270), where Aas' Rekenber Guards and Est will be preparing.
This instance is not recommended for characters who are not damage dealers (such as Arch Bishops without Adoramus or Judex) and they should ask for help before creating the instance.
The instance can be created, entered, destroyed as many times needed until final boss is defeated.
Instance Time Limit: 1 hour
1: Go to Cafeteria
Talk to Rekenber Guard Oscar(lighthalzen 55, 278)to enter the building (Instance) to hunt Sorrow Crob
Go north and talk to Aas to open the door, who realizes that she can also support the player through the system by using the same control panel. When ready, talk to her to proceed to other side of the door.
Once inside, head northwest and proceed through the half open doorway. This goes up a straight flight of stairs to the employees' cafeteria.The room is highly populated with Traitors (dressed as Heart Hunters) but it is not necessary to eliminate all of them.
You'll find 3 Researchers in the cafeteria being held captive. Eliminate the Traitors to set them free.
Once the cafeteria is clear, communicate with Aas by using the Access Controller on the right near the large door.
One of the Researchers will offer to help open the door for the player since biometrics data is required. Walk through it once opened.
2: Go to Lecture Room
Find the lecture room north of the cafeteria door entrance by proceeding north through the nearby hallway. The rebellion has locked themselves inside to protect themselves from the Poison Gas.
Eliminate all the Poison Gas monsters outside both doors of the lecture hall to enter.
After all the gas is gone, Est will call out to the player. Talk to Est in the northern end of the lecture hall.
She instructs the player to relay a message to Aas by using a given code on any nearby communication device. Luckily, there's one Access Controller beside the blackboard nearby. Talk to it and use Code 0315.
3: Go Save the Detained Researchers
While inside the main hallway, fight through groups of Fatal Pompoms and Traitors and head straight along the path to a series of rooms on the other end of the hallway and then to the south. All the Fatal Pompoms in this vicinity must be killed to enter the portals.
Talk to Detained Researchers in each of the 3 rooms.
When trying to enter the 4th room, a message is broadcasted asking for support to come to the lecture room.
4: Go to 4th Room
Aas mentions to go check the Guard's Waiting Room (4th room at the end of the hallway from earlier) in the bottom right corner of the instance. You will find Aas who has found the spare master key. (1@rgsr 235, 44)
Collect the scattered document on top of the nearby drawer to activate the Data Obtained from the Lab quest.
5: Go to Central Meeting Room
Head to Central Meeting Room (1@rgsr 125, 157) at the main inner hallway. Re-unite with Est and Goni.
Speak to Aas who appeared and wait until they finish talking. Then talk to Aas again to enter the room.
Walk north to find Restrained Test Subject.
Investigate the Controllers around the central room in the following order. Press the Color of the Button that matches the color of the light aura.
Top Right Panel = Blue Aura = Blue Button
Bottom Left Panel = Red Aura = Red Button
Bottom Right Panel = White Aura = White button
Controller beside Top Left door = Yellow Aura = Yellow Button
Fight Test Subject, Sorrow Crob. She is a MVP with 3.5m hp and casts Firebolt.
Aas finally makes her way inside just as the fight ends. She's relieved to find the player okay and offers to let the player go ahead while she cleans up. She will offer 3 options:
Einbroch (this is the suggested choice)
Lighthalzen (warps outside instance directly in front of Guard Oscar)
Look around some more
Return to Einbroch's Cat on a Bullet and find Tes(pub_cat 93, 105)who has been worried for some time because Est came back alone.
Report to the details of what happened at Regenschirm and receive 500,000 Base Exp and 400,000 job Exp twice, and 25 Mysterious Component.
Go back to Cat on Bullet and speak with Philopontes(pub_cat 93, 105).
He will instruct you to go to 1 map north, 1 map west from Einbroch and speak with Rebellion Member there(ein_fild03 278, 269).
You will proceed to investigate the area, just follow the Navi system to get to the specific coordinates
You will forced to go back talking with Rebellion Member (Receive 100,000 Base and Job EXP).
Talk to Rebellion Member again to open the gate to prepare the OS instance, then choose enter to go in.
If you are not a damage dealer, it's suggested to bring a friend to help clear some monsters. However, it's possible to rush through the monsters.
Below is map of the instance:
Inside, talk with Ridsh, the Three Rebellion Lady will appear with some monsters. Walk over the portals and kill the monsters. Then at the right side, click the Pipe NPC, choose Destroy It to proceed.
Walk north over the portal, follow the railway until you find Dien, talk to Dien and talk to the black portal. Take a detour until you find an opening to the north.
Search the area for cables and click all 3 of them.
Back to following the railway until you find Dien and Cotness. Walk to the east until you find Ridsh. Erst will come and you must proceed over the portal.
Try to reach the quest mark on the mini-map by going north-east until you're back on the railway.
You will fight (or ignore and rush through) some monsters from black portals along the way until you will reach the Three Rebellion Lady and Erst.
Talk to Dien, she will instruct you to get her lucky charm back in Clana Nemieri.
Receive 25 Mysterious Component and 600,000 Base and Job EXP.
Go to Clana Nemieri(einbech 218, 80)and talk to Nemi(rebel_in 24, 46). He will teleport you inside.
Inside, talk to the Rebellion at(rebel_in 68, 41), then go into Dien's room on the far right, and click on her drawers(rebel_in 160, 89)to take her lucky charm as Dien's Envelope.
Go back to OS, talk to Dien(sp_os 252, 358), and you will be teleported to Cor.
Receive 200,000 Base EXP and 100,000 Job EXP.
OS Occupation side quest is available now.
In Cor south side, have party leader talk to Erst(sp_cor 164, 56)to create the instance, then enter.
Let NPCs talk until monsters spawn. Keep killing monsters until the radio npc begins glowing blue. Pick any Engaging option.
Keep waiting until Erst's annoucement says: [Party Leader's Name]! Check Alpha team's coordinates! Talk to the radio again and choose any option.
Keep waiting until meteors rain and the poison fog on the east disappears. Head southeast and follow this guide's map's path to the bottom left where Team Alpha is.
Once the railway is in sight, start going southwest.
Talk to the Team Alpha radio until it disappears.
Follow the map's path north. Kill monsters that have spawned. Reach the 1st checkpoint, walk past it, and it'll disppear.
Then keep going east onto the railway. Kill all monsters that have spawned. Once all are dead, the 2nd checkpoint appears.
Walk past the checkpoint, it disappears, then follow the map's orange path south.
Kill monsters that have spawned until the 3rd checkpoint appears.
Go east, fight a very weakened Miguel, then talk to Erst to exit.
Receive six chunks of 200,000 Base EXP and 180,000 Job EXP, a total of 1,200,000 Base EXP and 1,080,000 Job EXP.
2nd OS Search daily quest available.
Base Level:
Quest Prerequisite(s):
Terra Gloria
Base Experience:
Job Experience:
Quest Reward(s):
Legacy of the Wise One Illusion Daily Quests
This follows right after the Werner Lab raid as the Rebellion continue their investigation.
In your personal room in the Prontera castle, speak to Nihil M. Heine(prt_cas_q 21, 39).
Proceed to Einbech and go to the front of the Clana Nemieri Rebel base.
Talk to Rebellion Member(einbech 218, 80)who's standing outside the entrance. He tells you of the Rebellion's new base expansion and gives you coordinates to the new building in Einbroch.
Head to Einbroch secret pub in the northeast corner, Cat on Bullet(einbroch 302, 328).
Enter the Cat on Bullet and look for Philopontes(pub_cat 93, 105)(Tes) in the north-eastern-most room. He tells you about the information they gathered from the Werner Lab raid. The players new task will be investigating a nearby abandoned mine.
Walk one north and one east of Einbroch to find a Rebellion Member(ein_fild05 156, 288)on lookout there at the entrance to Rudus. (do not wing, just walk along the rail).
Enter Rudus by talking to the Rebellion Member.
Rudus Dungeon will now be freely accessible by talking to this NPC.
Base Level:
10 Dolor 10 Venenum 10 Twin Caputs
Base Experience:
800,000 Base EXP
Job Experience:
800,000 Job EXP
Quest Reward(s):
My Name is Morning Access to Rudus Dungeon: - Laboratory Waste Disposal Plant Rudus Floor 1 - Laboratory Waste Disposal Plant Rudus Floor 2 - Laboratory Waste Disposal Plant Rudus Floor 3
Entering this map immediately grants the player access to all 3 floors of Rudus Dungeon, and My Name is Morning since Teleport is allowed inside.
Talk to Elena Volkova(sp_rudus 184, 360)near the mining facility entrance on the inside. She says the investigation will take longer than expected after the discovery of a suspiciously-erected wall.
Talk to Rookie(sp_rudus 193, 284)located directly south of Elena. He tells the player their progress is blocked by a large 3-layer door and needs help investigating it. He tasks the player to investigate around the wall for other means of entry. They're all given yellow + marks on the mini-map.
Wall on the Railroad - Rebellion Member(sp_rudus 304, 266)to the East. He deduces that the wall was built after the refinery was no longer under operation after noticing how it cuts across the railroad instead of around it.
Watchtower - Rebellion Member(sp_rudus 121, 286)to the West. He says that the pillar beside the wall was actually a watchtower after climbing it and mentions that he noticed lots of movement on the other side of the wall.
Small Hole - Notice a Small Hole(sp_rudus 27, 300)along the western edge of the map that looks like it was made my a small animal.
Report the findings back to Rookie. Meanwhile, Rookie was able to unlock the door but discovered it was designed with a weird mechanism: someone has to keep holding the button to keep it open. He points out that the odd design was probably meant to contain what was on the other side, as he has only ever seen similar mechanics used in prisons and penitentiaries.
Ominous Noise is heard from the other side of the door. Since Rookie has to stay behind, the player is asked to investigate instead. Click Closed Gate to go through. Hunt:
10 Dolor
10 Venenum
10 Twin Caputs
Optional: Go to the yellow mark on the map to unlock Learning Morning daily quest, written in the section below.
Optional: Report the presence of monsters back to Rookie(sp_rudus 193, 284)who confirms that the wall was designed for containment of those monsters as he expected.
Walk north to relay all the uncovered info back to Captain Elena Volkova and the player is rewarded with two bundles of experience. Each of 400,000 Base EXP and Job EXP, and 15 Cor Core.
Report back to Cat on a Bullet Cat Cafe in Einbroch and talk to Tes(pub_cat 93, 105). After explaining everything to him, he thinks it may be a secret dump site for failed test subjects.
Next, head south and enter the right room behind Wilde NPC (Clothed like Rogue Job Sprite) and talk to Rage(pub_cat 106, 69)who is arguing with Kaya about the Rekenber investigation report and if it's trustworthy or not.
After Rage(pub_cat 105, 59)moves booths, talk to him again, then talk to Kaya Tos, talk to Rage again (just follow the quest indicator).
Rage got a list of names of people who've gone missing, but Kaya says that Rekenber has them on rotation and they are still employed. You try to convince them to start a joint investigation and get dragged into being the impartial witness.
Receive 300,000 Base and Job EXP after finished talking.
The team agreed to meet at Einbroch airport. Meet Rage(einbroch 42, 208)who is sitting on a bench west of the airport entrance.
After the story about how and who to investigate, you will be teleported to Lighthalzen, follow the quest mark in minimap and talk to Rage(lighthalzen 259, 215)near the Slums entrance.
You will be teleported to the slums with activated navigation, follow the path northeast and talk to Rage.
"Patsy" has apparently been sending money back to his parents without writing any letters, and allegedly used all his vacation time despite promising his family he'd visit on his first vacation.
Receive 300,000 Base and Job EXP.
Now you will be teleported out of the slums, navigation will direct you to Rage(lighthalzen 108, 163)in front of Rekenber entrance, talk to him.
Enter the Rekenber office, talk to the first employee you encounter, she should have quest indicator
In this part, you will move around the office, don't forget to click blue texts to automatically activate Navi and make it easier
Talk to second employee(lhz_in01 163, 258)then go out of the office and go to Regenschirm(lighthalzen 53, 277)
Enter Regenschirm, go right, and talk to Lab Staff(rgsr_in 158, 83)behind the easternmost desk in 1st floor
Go to bottom left room and talk to Employee(rgsr_in 18, 49).
Go back to Rekenber Office and talk to Secretary(lhz_in01 80, 210)with quest indicator, behind the left stairset.
Go to the Document's Archive (blue text will trigger the Navi) and talk to the Employee(lhz_in01 33, 263).
Now you will be instructed to go to(ein_fild01 95, 146). It is faster to warp into Einbroch and then go north-east-north
Speak to Kaya Tos in Einbroch Field 1(ein_fild01 95, 146)and receive 20 Cor Core and 600,000 Base and Job EXP.
Walk a bit north and talk to Advance Party(sp_cor 166, 83).
Talk to Kaya Tos, then Tes. The team will prompt to go to a safety place, its the middle quest mark in minimap
Talk to Tes(sp_cor 122, 140), then Aas will like to talk to Kaya Tos privately, walk a bit northeast and talk to Aas(sp_cor 135, 146). Keep talking and receive 300,000 Base and Job EXP.
Finding Patrick side quest is available now.
Merc vs Merc repeatable quest is available now.
Help the Farm repeatable quest is available now.
Rebellion(sp_cor 109, 130)will intervene after you talk to Aas, so talk to that Rebellion on the new quest mark in minimap, a bit southwest from your position.
Elena will appear, talk to her and proceed northeast to the new quest mark in minimap.
Talk to Elena(sp_cor 179, 169)three times, first to trigger the quest, second to create instance, and third to enter it
This is a solo instance that allows only one person in at a time when not in a solo party.
When with other players, the first one to enter must be set as the leader and must be able to beat EL1-A17T on their own.
After the first member returns, the next member to enter should be set as the leader, with the path already cleared just find and talk to Elena.
Repeat this process until all members are done.
Avoid closing the instance until all members are done.
Talk to Elena inside the instance. 4 quest mark will appear, go to the 2 marks at right side.
Talk to each of the boxes and kill all monsters that appear. Then talk to box again so it disappears.
A new quest mark will appear. Go there and talk to Elena, she will open a portal to next area
You have to fight a weakened version of a boss, EL1-A17T. Defeat it, then the Rebellion will appear with Eliumina caught.
Talk to Elena to go out, and then talk to Elena again outside.
Receive experience: about 200,000 Base EXP; 300,000 and 300,000 and 250,000 Job EXP.
Also receive 1 Damaged Weapon and 5 Cor Cores.
A new quest mark will appear in minimap, go there and talk to Goni(sp_cor 137, 210).
Talk to Rookie to trigger a long scene, and then the team agreed to enter the Varmundt Mansion through the waterway.
Go to the new quest mark in far northeast of the minimap and talk to Rookie(sp_cor 255, 284).
Receive experience 3 times, 400,000 Job EXP each. Also receive about 300,000 Base EXP.
Cor Memorial repeatable Instance is available now.
Finding Patrick sidequest is available now.
Illusion Equipment and Enchant Modules are available for exchange now.
Grace Equipment is available now (for level 150+).
This is the end of Episode 17.1: Illusion Questline. The next quest chain is Episode 17.2: Legacy of the Wise One.
Various types of equipment can be exchanged for from Eliumina
(sp_cor 111, 130). All of these can be enchanted and can only be equipped by characters level 130 and up. To call Eliumina, talk to either of the two Rebellion Members near his spot. Note: The Illusion (17.1) main questline must be completed before exchanging is available.
To obtain modules for enchanting Illusion gears, talk to the other Rebellion Member
(sp_cor 108, 130)beside Eliumina. He provides modules in exchange for the following:
The Illusion (17.1) main questline must be completed before the exchange is available.
Directions for Use:
Open the unique OS Weapon enchanting UI by using the desired modification consumables in your inventory (The mod parts aren't consumed yet until after the dialogue is confirmed).
Drag the desired weapon from the eligible weapons list to the center slot of the window.
Click on "Create" to confirm the enchanting attempt.
OS Weapons enchantment process has a 100% success rate and they may be re-enchanted multiple times by using another Weapon Modification Part directly. Below are the lists of enchants for each grade. Two random enchants are given:
1st Enchant
Min ~ Max
2nd Enchant
Min ~ Max
Physical damage to [Element] property +
3 ~ 15 %
Physical damage to [Race] race +
3 ~ 10 %
5 ~ 20
Physical damage to [Size] size +
3 ~ 10 %
(Type 2) ATK +
1 ~ 5 %
Critical damage +
3 ~ 10 %
3 ~ 10
Long Range damage +
3 ~ 10 %
Critical +
3 ~ 10
3 ~ 10 %
Flee +
5 ~ 15
1st Enchant
Min ~ Max
2nd Enchant
Min ~ Max
Physical damage to [Element] property +
3 ~ 20 %
Physical damage to [Race] race +
3 ~ 15 %
15 ~ 40
Physical damage to [Size] size +
3 ~ 15 %
(Type 2) ATK +
1 ~ 10 %
Critical damage +
3 ~ 15 %
3 ~ 15
Long Range damage +
3 ~ 15 %
Critical +
3 ~ 15
3 ~ 15 %
Flee +
5 ~ 30
SP consumption -
1 ~ 5 %
1st Enchant
Min ~ Max
2nd Enchant
Min ~ Max
Magic damage to [Element] property +
3 ~ 20 %
Magic damage to [Race] race +
3 ~ 15 %
15 ~ 40
Magic damage to [Size] size +
3 ~ 15 %
1 ~ 10 %
Variable Casting Time -
3 ~ 15 %
3 ~ 10 %
Flee +
5 ~ 30
SP consumption -
1 ~ 5 %
1st Enchant
Min ~ Max
2nd Enchant
Min ~ Max
Physical damage to [Element] property +
5 ~ 25 %
Physical damage to [Race] race +
3 ~ 20 %
20 ~ 60
Physical damage to [Size] size +
3 ~ 20 %
(Type 2) ATK +
3 ~ 15 %
Critical damage +
3 ~ 20 %
3 ~ 20
Long Range damage +
3 ~ 20 %
Critical +
3 ~ 20
3 ~ 20 %
1 ~ 2
Flee +
5 ~ 45
SP consumption -
1 ~ 10 %
Item is indestructible in battle
1st Enchant
Min ~ Max
2nd Enchant
Min ~ Max
Magic damage to [Element] property +
5 ~ 25 %
Magic damage to [Race] race +
3 ~ 20 %
20 ~ 60
Magic damage to [Size] size +
3 ~ 20 %
3 ~ 15 %
Variable Casting Time -
3 ~ 20 %
3 ~ 10 %
1 ~ 2
Flee +
5 ~ 45
SP consumption -
1 ~ 10 %
Item is indestructible in battle
Illusion Armor may be given enchants through modules which take up an enchant slot in the armor similar to cards and regular enchants.
Talk to RS26
(sp_cor 106, 136)to attach modules to your Illusion armors.
Enchanting does not require completing any of the Illusion questline.
The equipment must be worn beforehand and enchanting is a 100% success rate.
Enchants cannot be reset nor overwritten, so choose carefully.
All equips have 3 enchant slots, the enchant order is 4th slot -> 3rd slot -> 2nd slot.
Equips can hold the same enchant a certain maximum number of times, as listed in the table.
There can be only 1 Legendary mod enchant per Illusion Leg.
Enchants are listed in order based on equipment.
Note: There can be only 1 Legendary mod enchant per Illusion Leg.
In Cor, talk to Grace Trader sp_cor136156 to exchange Mysterious Component and Cor Core for Grace equipment. She is accessible after you have completed the whole Illusion questline and are level 150+.
Each Grace equipment is:
Character Bound
Weight: 0
Required Level: 150
Mysterious Component and Cor Core can be obtained from Illusion [Main & Side Quest (one time)], Illusion Daily Quests and as drops from monsters in the surrounding areas (Cor Memorial, Rudus Dungeon and Regenschirm Instance).
Grace trader sells equips only specific to your class, which is either Attack, Magic, or both types.
Non-armors can be worn by all classes.
Physical Set
Magical Set
Rune Knight
Royal Guard
Maestro & Wanderer
Guillotine Cross
Shadow Chaser
Arch Bishop
Star Emperor
Soul Reaper
Super Novice
Summoner (Doram)
Physical and Magic Mod Permits (Armor) each have different option enchants.
1st Enchant
Min ~ Max
2nd Enchant
Min ~ Max
Fire attacks resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Small enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Water attacks resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Medium enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Earth attacks resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Large enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Wind attacks resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Formless enemies resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
All elements (except Neutral) attacks resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Demi-Human enemies resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Decreases SP consumption by
1 ~ 5 %
Brute enemies resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Max HP +
1 ~ 5 %
Plant enemies resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Max SP +
1 ~ 5 %
Fish enemies resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Undead enemies resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Demon enemies resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Angel enemies resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Insect enemies resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Dragon enemies resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
1st Enchant
Min ~ Max
2nd Enchant
Min ~ Max
Fire attacks resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Small enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Water attacks resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Medium enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Earth attacks resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Large enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Wind attacks resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Formless enemies resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
All elements (except Neutral) attacks resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Demi-Human enemies resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Decreases SP consumption by
1 ~ 5 %
Brute enemies resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Max HP +
1 ~ 5 %
Plant enemies resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Max SP +
1 ~ 5 %
Fish enemies resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Undead enemies resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Demon enemies resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Angel enemies resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Insect enemies resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
Dragon enemies resistance +
1 ~ 5 %
1st Enchant
Min ~ Max
2nd Enchant
Min ~ Max
Physical damage to Neutral enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Small enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Water enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Medium enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Wind enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Large enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Earth enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Formless enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Fire enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Demi-Human enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Poison enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Brute enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Shadow enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Plant enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Holy enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Fish enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Ghost enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Undead enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Undead enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Demon enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Angel enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Insect enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Physical damage to Dragon enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
1st Enchant
Min ~ Max
2nd Enchant
Min ~ Max
Magical damage to Neutral enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Small enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Water enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Medium enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Wind enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Large enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Earth enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Formless enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Fire enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Demi-Human enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Poison enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Brute enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Shadow enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Plant enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Holy enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Fish enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Ghost enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Undead enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Undead enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Demon enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Angel enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Insect enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
Magical damage to Dragon enemies +
1 ~ 5 %
25 Mysterious Component
15 Cor Core
Requires 1 Damaged Weapon and 50 Mysterious Components. Eliumina will hand any of these out by random:
AC-B44-OS [2]. Shadow Chaser Matk Bow
Beam Claymore-OS [2]. Swordman Crit 2H-Sword
Blasti-OS. Mecha EA 2H-Axe
Boost Lance-OS. RG Vanishing Point 1H-Spear
Burning Knuckle-OS. Sura Rampage Blast Knuckle
Cannon Rapier-OS. Fireball/Hell Inferno Autocast 1H-Sword
Circuit Board-OS. Crit Book
Electric Fox-OS. Doram Magic Foxtail
HR-S55-OS. Rebel God's Hammer Rifle
Kuroiro-OS. Ninja Dagger
Meuchler-OS. GX CRS Katar
MH-P89-OS. Performer Severe Rainstorm Bow
Rutilus Stick-OS. Fire Matk 1H-Staff
Saphir Hall-OS. Gene Cart Cannon Mace
Ultio-OS. Archbishop Adoramus Mace
Virtual Bow-OS. Ranger Arrow Storm Bow
Requires 50 Cor Cores. The player may choose which Illusion armor to receive among the following:
Illusion Armor Type A [1]. +100 Atk Armor
Illusion Armor Type B [1]. +100 MAtk Armor
Illusion Engine Wing Type A [1]. Garment
Illusion Engine Wing Type B [1]. Garment
Illusion Leg Type A [1]. Shoes
Illusion Leg Type B [1]. Shoes
Illusion Booster L [1]. +5% Atk Left-Accessory
Illusion Booster R [1]. +5% Atk Right-Accessory
Illusion Battle Chip L [1]. +5% MAtk Left-Accessory
Illusion Battle Chip [1]. +5% MAtk Right-Accessory
For Weapon Modification Parts, exchange 5 Cor Cores or 1,000,000 Zeny. The player may decide between Physical or Magical, but the grade given will be random (Normal, High-Grade, Finest).
For Armor Modification Modules, bring 30 Mysterious Components and 5 Cor Core. The type of armor Modification Modules received are random, check Armor Enchants for details on rates and ranks.
OS Weapons may be enchanted with options (similar to Vicious Mind Weapons) through the use of Weapon Modification Devices. Weapon enchantments come in two categories, Physical or Magical, and each category is further divided by 3 Grades (Normal, High-Grade, Finest). Enchanting does not require completing any of the Illusion questline.
Weapon Modification Device (Physical)
High-grade Weapon Modification Device (Physical)
High-grade Weapon Modification Device (Magic)
Finest Weapon Modification Device (Physical)
Finest Weapon Modification Device (Magic)
For example, Illusion Armor Type A [1] can hold 1 Sharpshooter and 2 ATK.
a cost of 20 Mysterious Component
Grace Upgrade Ticket is a ticket used to upgrade Grace equipment. Add the following equipment to receive +9 Grace equipment: Grace Armor, Manteau, or Boots.
The ticket costs 20 Cor Core
Grace Armor and Garment can each be enchanted using Modification Permit, which each cost 10 Mysterious Component from Grace Trader. Old enchants can be overwritten by enchanting again. Each permit gives two random option enchants.
Grace Physical Modification Permit (Armor)
Grace Magic Modification Permit (Armor)
Grace Physical Modification Permit (Manteau)
Grace Magic Modification Permit (Manteau)
Grace Physical Modification Permit Option Enchants (Armor)
Grace Magic Modification Permit Option Enchants (Armor)
Grace Physical Modification Permit Option Enchants (Manteau)
Grace Magic Modification Permit Option Enchants (Manteau)