The Last Room
This quest or instance can be repeated. This quest or instance's cooldown ends at 18 hours server time.
Base Level:
1+, need to be in party
Item(s) (Consumed):
Gravity Safety Device
Quest Prerequisite(s):
1 Intact Machine Components which can be traded for several equipments
Instance Cooldown Quest Name: Final Room
To start this instance, go to Verity (verus01 123, 181)on LAB OPTATIO. Talk to her to open the instance.
You will be warped to the Last Room entrance. Speak with Mark.
Once you're on the pathway, talk to Verity.
As you head north, a security system triggers and monsters will spawn. Kill all these monsters and then destroy the System Message in the south-west corner of the map.
Go north again and speak to Tamarin.
Keep going north and enter the warp. Take note that a new security system will trigger.
Walk ahead until you meet another batch of monsters and Verity at the end of the hallway. Talk to her and enter the door.
Inside the room, talk to Verity again. As the final protocol begins, T_W_O and System Messages will spawn and attack you. System Messages will spawn as the time goes and start healing her. They are plant protocol and took 1 damage.
T_W_O has 48m HP, Demon race and Shadow 3 element.
She casts Wide Stone Curse, Wide Soul Drain, and Critical Wounds so Undead armor, SP pots, and % recovery items or leech helps a lot here.
She will drop Mysterious Part when defeated.
After she's defeated, talk to her and you will get warped out of the instance.
Speak to Fruit(verus01 151, 173)to get Gravity Device and 1 Intact Machine Components.
Fruit(verus01 151, 173)will exchange 17 Intact Machine Components to Runaway Chip, Broken Chip 01 or Broken Chip 02
Last updated