Endless Tower
The Endless Tower is an increasingly difficult set of challenges. Participating parties make their way up the 100 floor tower, with a special boss encounter against Entweihen Knothen on the 100th floor, and Naght Sieger afterwards. These battles function similar to the Izlude Arena, with players being required to defeat all monsters on a particular floor before the door to the next can open. Once on a floor, players are unable to go backwards; thus the only ways to leave the tower are to die and respawn, use a Butterfly Wing, or walk into a Warp Portal.
The following skills are disabled inside the tower:
Ice Wall
Shield Reflect
Fiber Lock
Extreme Vacuum
Warg Bite
Reflect Damage
Sheltering Bliss
There are no item use limitations, although items that cast one of the restricted skills will fail (such as Fly Wing). Usage of the Kafra Shop item Token of Siegfried is still possible within the dungeon.
Note: A memorial dungeon instance cannot be created during the 6 hours preceeding War of Emperium, until War of Emperium is over.
This quest or instance can be repeated. This quest or instance has a 6 day, 20 hours cooldown period.
Base Level:
10,000 (Per Person)
Quest Reward(s):
Access to the Endless Tower
Instance Cooldown Quest Name: Endless Tower Effect
In Alberta, talk to Captain Janssen(alberta 214, 77)and donate 10,000 Zeny.
Listen to him and agree to be his first mate so he will bring you to the Endless Tower Island.
After reaching the island, your party leader must speak with the Tower Protection Stone(e_tower 81, 105). They then must generate the Endless Tower Dungeon instance.
After an instance is created, the party will have five minutes to enter and up to four hours to finish the dungeon.
If in four hours they do not finish, all players in the dungeon will be warped out and sent back to their save points.
Instance Cooldown starts individually for each party member that enters.
Warning: Taming any monster or killing the last monster on a floor with a mercenary will cause the instance to not register the kill, and the portal to the next floor will not open.
A window will appear showing pertinent time limits for the dungeon. If it is closed, it can be opened again using the shortcut Alt+B.
Each party member is given 2 Ashes of Darkness upon entering the tower. Ashes of Darkness are used to reenter the tower. They cannot be dropped, traded, Mailed or placed in Carts and have 0 weight, but can be sold to an NPC.
If a player is forced to leave the tower, they can re-enter by talking to the stone on the Misty Island again. An Ashes of Darkness will automatically be subtracted from the player's inventory. If the player has no more Ashes of Darkness remaining, he will not be able to reenter. The exit portal on the 1st floor will warp the player to the 51st floor if they have cleared the 50th floor.
Many of the MVP's ETC items can be exchanged in the Guild Dungeon Investment System.
There is no limit on how many instances a party can create within the 4 hour limit. A new instance can be created under a different party leader if the previous instance was destroyed. Once the time limit is up, there is a 6 day 20 hour cooldown period for all party members in which they cannot enter a new Endless Tower instance.
Multiple Ruins Trick
Considering the above notes many players often use these following steps to allow more chances at collecting desirable items.
1. After making a party of at least two characters, the party leader would reserve the instance.
Note the party leader should not enter the instance during any part of this so it is advised to use a lower level alt for the party leader role.
2. The party members who are fighting should enter the instance at which time they will receive two (2) Ashes of Darkness.
3. The party members proceed through the floors until they reach a point where they wish to restart.
Do note: once the last monster on the 50th Floor has been killed the starting point of the instance essentially changes from the 1st Floor to the 51st Floor.
4. All party members inside should leave the instance by using Butterfly Wings or other means.
5. The party leader should destroy the instance (using the button in the Alt-B menu) or just wait five minutes the instance will be destroyed automatically once all party members have left.
6. The party leader reserves the instance again.
7. The party members enter the newly reserved instance which consumes one of their two Ashes of Darkness. Once inside they will need to again fight through the floors which they previously completed. As there are two Ashes given at the start a total of three entrances to the starting floors (either 1st or 50th) are possible each week per character.
Warning: If any party member clicks the NPC before instance is created, they will lose an Ash of Darkness each time, thus losing a run.
Skipping Floor Bug for Support Players:
players that barely did any damage to MVPs have been starting on the 2nd floor instead of 51st floor for the second and third runs. To prevent this, have everyone (especially the support players) kill at least one of each monster on the last floor (Orc Skeleton, Wind Ghost, and Khalitzburg), then talk to NPC to exit after killing Naght Sieger. On the second and third run, all players should be able to skip to the 51st floor.
Another alternative is to have an Arch Bishop be party leader for the second, third run. Then have everyone enter ET and stay on the first floor. The Arch Bishop leader will go to the 2nd floor and use Convenio to summon everyone, thus everyone will start on the second floor.
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