Event Costume
New Years Event
Donation $50
Item Name : Hunters Cape
Item ID : 51399
Costume Middle
All Stat +5
Res +5, MRes +5
Def +15, Mdef +15
Increases Melee and Long-Ranged Physical Damage by 7%
Increases All Property Magical Damage Against Medium Size Enemies by 7%
Donation $100
Item Name : Features01
Item ID : 50966
Costume Middle
All Stat +10
Res +10, MRes +10
Def +30, Mdef +30
Increases Attak Speed (Reduce After Attack Delay by 5%) Reduce Variable Casting Time By 10%
Increases Melee and Long-Ranged Physical Damage by 10%
Increases All Property Magical Damage Against Medium Size Enemies by 10%
Donation $200
Item Name : Umbrella Cape
Item ID : 52725
Costume Middle
All Stat +15
Res +15, MRes +15
Def +50, Mdef +50
Increases Attak Speed (Reduce After Attack Delay by 10%)
Reduce Variable Casting Time By 20%
Reduce Global Cooldown By 10%
Increases Melee and Long-Ranged Physical Damage by 15%
Increases All Property Magical Damage Against Medium Size Enemies by 15%
New Years Gacha Box
Item Name : Creepy Ghost
Item ID : 50611
Costume Lower
All Stat +5
Matk +5, Matk +5%
Reduce Damage Taken Fron Demi-Human Enemies by 5%
Reduce Damage Taken From Brute Enemies by 5%
Item Name : Fantasy Slayer
Item ID : 50611
Costume Upper
All Stat +5
Matk +5, Matk +5%
Increases All Propery Magical Damage by 5%
Reduce Variable Casting Time by 5%
Item Name : Fury Helmet
Item ID : 51101
Costume Upper
All Stat +5
MaxHP +5%, MaxSP +5%
Reduce Damage Taken Fron Demi-Human Enemies by 5%
Reduce Damage Taken From Brute Enemies by 5%
Item Name : Inferno Lbh Red
Item ID : 51440
Costume Upper
All Stat +5
P.Atk +5, Atk +5%
Increases Melee And Long-Ranged Physical Attack by 5%
Increases Critical Damage by 5%
Item Name : A2 Lhz Aura
Item ID : 50010
Costume Lower
All Stat +5
Def +10, MDef +10
Res +5, MRes +5
[When Equipped With A2 Fallen Valkyrie Helm]
MaxHP +5%, MaxSP +5%
Increases Movement Speed by 5%
Reduce Damage Taken From Demi-Human Enemies by 5%
Item Name : Fury Helmet
Item ID : 50011
Costume Upper
All Stat +5
Atk +5, P.Atk +5
MAtk +5, S.Matk +5
Increases Melee And Long-Ranged Physical Attack by 5%
Increases All Propery Magical Damage by 5%
Item Name : Fury Helmet
Item ID : 50275
Costume Upper
All Stat +5
Atk +5, P.Atk +5
MAtk +5, S.Matk +5
Increases Melee And Long-Ranged Physical Attack by 5%
Increases All Propery Magical Damage by 5%
Item Name : Black Panther Cloak
Item ID : 50273
Costume Lower
All Stat +5
Def +10, MDef +10
Res +5, MRes +5
[When Equipped With Black Panther Helm]
MaxHP +5%, MaxSP +5%
Increases Movement Speed by 5%
Reduce Damage Taken From Demi-Human Enemies by 5%
Item Name : Bruce Lee
Item ID : 50432
Costume Middle
All Stat +10
Res +10, MRes +10
Reduce Variable Casting Time by 10%
Has a 10% Chance To Auto-Cast Level 3 Quagmire When Receiving Damage.
Item Name : Cronus Spirit
Item ID : 50625
Costume Lower
All Stat +5
Increases Movement Speed by 15%
Increases Physical and Magical Damage to Demi-Human Enemies by 10%
Increases Physical and Magical Damage to Brute Enemies by 10%
December Raffle Costume (3 LIMITED OWNER)
Item Name : Shiva Wings
Item ID : 52432
Costume Lower
All Status +5
Increases Movement Speed by 15%
Increases Damage Against All Size Enemies by 10%
Drop Rate +20%
EXP Rate +20%
Enable To Use Of Level 1 Greed
Jingle Jammies Top Up Rewards (LIMITED)
Donation $50
Item Name : Green Slayer Cape
Item ID : 51236
Costume Middle
All Stat +5
Res +5, MRes +5
Def +15, Mdef +15
Adds 10% Damage Reduction against Long-Range Physical Attack Adds 3%
Chance to Cast skill Lex Divina of level 3 when being hit by a direct attack
Enable To Use Level 1 Hiding
Donation $100
Item Name : Divine Cape
Item ID : 50752
Costume Middle
All Stat +10
Res +10, MRes +10
Def +30, Mdef +30
Adds 10% Damage Reduction against Magical Attack
Adds 3% Chance to Cast skill Decreases Agility of level 3 when being hit by a direct attack
Enable To Use Level 1 Cloaking
Donation $200
Item Name : Frozen Cape
Item ID : 51093
Costume Middle
All Stat +15
Res +15, MRes +15
Def +50, Mdef +50
Adds 10% Damage Reduction against Melee Physical Attack
Adds 3% Chance to Cast skill Lex Aterna of level 1 when being hit by a direct attack
Enable To Use Level 1 Stealth
Christmas Gacha Box
Item Name : Light Up Santa Black
Item ID : 51634
Costume Upper
AllStat +5
P.Atk +2, Atk +5%
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 5%
Increases Attack Speed (Reduce After Attack Delay by 10%)
Item Name : Light Up Santa Black
Item ID : 51635
Costume Upper
AllStat +5
P.Atk +2, Atk +5%
Increases Long-Ranged Physical Damage by 5%
Increases Attack Speed (Reduce After Attack Delay by 10%)
Item Name : Christmas Bear
Item ID : 50545
Costume Middle
AllStat +5
Def +10, Mdef +10
MaxHP +10%, MaxSP +10%
Increases Movement Speed by 10%
Item Name : Christmas Goat Blu
Item ID : 50556
Costume Upper
AllStat +5
S.Matk +5, Matk +10%
Increases All Property Magical Damage by 5%
Reduce Variable Casting Time by 10%
Item Name : Flaminggoats Wht
Item ID : 51021
Costume Upper
AllStat +5
P.Atk +5, Atk +10%
Increases Physical Damage by 5%
Increases Critical Damage by 10%
Item Name : Blue Flame Aura
Item ID : 50392
Costume Lower
AllStat +5
Matk +3%, Def +10
Reduce Variable Casting Time by 5%
Increases Heal Amount of All Skill by 5%
Reduce Damage Taken From Demi-Human by 3%
Item Name : Balrog Horn
Item ID : 50236
Costume Upper
AllStat +5
Atk +5%, Matk +5%
Increases Physical Damage by 5%
Increases All Property Magical Damage by 5%
Item Name : Balrog Wings
Item ID : 50237
Costume Lower
AllStat +5
Def +10, Mdef +10
Res +5, Mres +5
When Equiped With Barlog Horn :
MaxHP +5%, MaxSP +5%
Increases Movement Speed by 5%
Reduce Damage Taken From Demi-Human by 5%
Item Name : Bear Candy Cart
Item ID : 50252
Costume Middle
AllStat +5
S.Matk +2, Matk +5%
Increases All Property Magical Damage by 5%
Reduce Variable Casting Time by 10%
OBT Costume
Refine Fantasy (Only 5 Costume)
Item Name : Phoenix Blade
Item ID : 52029
Costume Garment
All Stats +10
Atk +4%, Matk +4%
Reduce Damage Taken From Demi-Human by 10%
Race To Max Level 250
Item Name : Aura Of Swords
Item ID : 50127
Costume Garment
All Stats +7
Atk +3%, Matk +3%
Increases Movement Speed by 10%
Reduce Damage Taken From Demi-Human by 5%
CBT Costume
Oh, To Be Rich
Item Name : Costume Show Me The Zeny
Item ID : 31091
Costume Upper
All Stats +5
Has a 25% chance to earn Up To 2.500 Zeny Each time a monster is killed
Last updated