EDDA Arunafeltz Half Moon in the Daylight
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Requirements: Base Level 80-139 (low level), Base Level 130 or more (high level) Starting Location: Rachel (174, 138) NPC: High Priestess Niruen Frequency: Can be done once per day
Begin by speaking to High Priestess Niruen at Rachel (174, 138). She asks for your assistance, while also asking you to keep everything related to the Pope a secret. After agreeing not to spread anything about the Pope, High Priestess Niruen will inform you what has been going on with the Pope.
High Priestess Niruen suspects that the Pope's twin brother, Luwmin, is behind everything. However, he is imprisoned in the Ice Cave by Ktullanax. You are tasked with visiting the Pope in her dreams to investigate.
Once you're in the Pope's dreams, you will find her standing nearby. Speak to her, and she will tell you that she is looking for a doll called Tilbie. After agreeing to help her, follow her through several floors as she leads the way and protect her when needed. Eventually, you will notice a white light while venturing through the Pope's dreams. Make sure to investigate the light and you will pick up an Old Doll.
Old Doll
Old Doll A well-used old doll. Judging by its fine condition, it must have been cherished. Weight: 0
Eventually, you will see the Pope with Luwmin. Follow the two of them through a series of scenarios while protecting the Pope.
When you run across the High Priest monster, defeat it for a Dream Fragment. Be prepared for the final battle before continuing to follow the Pope to the next area.
Dream Fragment
Dream Fragment A Dream Fragment that can be obtained from someone's earnest dream. It radiates unexplainable power. Weight: 0
After the battle, speak to the Pope and hand her the Old Doll you found. Leave the dungeon and return to High Priestess Niruen. After telling her about the events that happened in the Pope's dream, Niruen will ask you to return the next day to help again.
Below are items that have a chance of dropping in the Pope's dream:
Bishop Necklace A relic made to look like the necklace of Goodess Freya. Type: Accessory Defense: 0 Weight: 20 Equip Level: 80 Equipped By: All Classes
Dandelion Ring A simple ring made with dandelions. Looks like the dandelion puffs will float away in the wind. Return to 'Rachel'. Reusable every 60 minutes. Weight: 0
Next to High Priestess Niruen, you can find the Temple Merchandise Keeper. If you had the luck of getting a Bishop Necklace, you can bring it, along with 100 Dream Pieces to enchant the necklace. You can find Dream Pieces randomly dropped in the Pope's dream.
Once the Bishop Necklace and Dream Pieces are combined, the Temple Merchandise Keeper can add powers to boost your Melee Attack (Justice of Goddess), Magic Attack (Love of Goddess), or Ranged Atack (Insight of Goddess)! After it has already been imbued with any of those powers, the Temple Merchandise Keeper can make it even stronger with 1000 Dream Pieces!
Justice of Goddess A (Melee)
ATK + 20, HIT +2, MHP + 300.
Love of Goddess A (Magic)
MATK + 20, HEAL + 4%, MSP + 20.
Insight of Goddess A (Ranged)
Ranged ATK + 5%, CRI + 5.
Justice of Goddess S (Melee)
ATK + 40, HIT + 4, MHP +600.
Love of Goddess S (Magic)
MATK + 40, HEAL + 8%, MSP +40.
Insight of Goddess S (Ranged)
Ranged attack + 10%, CRI + 10.
Bishop Necklace
Dandelion Ring