EPISODE 18 - Direction of Prayer
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Base Level:
Quest Prerequisite(s):
You can teleport to the garden by speaking with Court Mage Nilem pub_cat86105 in the backroom of Cat on a Bullet.
It is recommended to save in Rachel.
(State of Conflict) Enter the temple and speak with the Nervous Priest ra_temple7254.
(Suspicious Movement) Follow the navi to the West speak with the Nervous Priest ra_temple30142 and receive 30 Amethyst Fragment.
(Staged Plot) Enter the inside of the temple. If you are not able to enter do one of the following:
On iRO, speak to Dungeon Teleporter moc_para1328 in Eden Group Headquarters, choose Rachel and speak again and say Yes, then walk north into the center portal ra_san01139139 to exit the dungeon to the inside of the temple.
Non iRO servers can talk to Eridanus ra_temple168168 outside the temple and sneak in. Then go to the center portal ra_san01139139 to go inside back of the temple.
Speak with Nemma ra_temin116174 and complete step 4 of Rachel Sanctuary Quest before continuing.
(Staged Plot) Speak with Guard Dent ra_temin17340.
(Niren's Request (1)) Speak with Guard Neil.
(Niren's Request (2)) Speak with Priest Freya.
(Niren's Request (3)) Follow the navi further into the temple and speak with Niren ra_temin21387.
(Niren's Request (4)) Follow the navi back to near the entrance and speak with Guard Neil ra_temin17340.
(Niren's Request (5)) Follow the navi to Rachel near the Kafra/Eden NPCs and speak with a Villager rachel137135.
(Niren's Request (6)) Follow the navi west and speak with a Villager rachel105134.
(Niren's Request (7)) Follow the navi west and speak with a Villager rachel69117.
(Niren's Request (8)) Follow the navi north and speak with Maram rachel70147.
(Gray Children (1)) Speak with Miriam.
(Gray Children (2)) Follow the navi south and speak with the first Merchant rachel87122.
(Gray Children (3)) Follow the navi southeast and speak with the second Merchant rachel107102.
(Gray Children (4)) Speak with Miriam.
(Gray Children (5)) Speak with Maram and select Help them.
(Gray Children (6)) Follow the navi southeast and speak with the third Merchant rachel13785.
(Gray Children (7)) To the west speak with Miriam.
(Gray Children (8)) Follow the navi west and click on Dumplings rachel10873.
(Gray Children (9)) After the conversation with Tamarin follow the navi north and speak with Mark rachel122120.
(Gray Children (10)) Follow the navi west and speak with Maram at their original location.
(Gray Children (11)) Follow the navi southeast and speak with the third Merchant at their original location.
(Gray Children (12)) Follow the navi west and click on Box rachel40132.
(Gray Children (13)) Exit Rachel to the west and speak with the Merchant ra_fld11354235 (who is Maram in disguise).
Oz Labyrinth instance
This is a sinlge-player instance.
(Gray Children (14) & Gray Children (15)) Follow the navi 1 map west and walk to the indicated spot on the map and speak with Merchant ra_fld10179176 to open the (Gray Children (15)) Oz Labyrinth instance and again to enter.
(Gray Children (16)) Inside the instance speak with Miriam.
Walk North and speak with Miriam again 271,272.
Walk West and speak with Miriam again 241,272.
After crossing the bridge kill the two Ash Toad.
Continue towards the northwest corner of the map while defeating Ash Toad and Rake Hand which spawn as you cross the black puddles.
At the first fork speak with Maram 98,172.
Follow the path west then speak with Maram 68,165 to spawn monsters. After they're defeated continue north.
After arriving at the northwest corner speak with Maram 21,189.
(Gray Children (17)) Click Rope and choose Use the rope to climb up.
Walk over the quest marker to speak with Maram.
(Gray Children (18)) Move to the quest marker on the minimap gw_fld0135102
Speak with Maram.
(Gray Children (19)) Speak with Imril.
(Gray Children (20)) Speak with Maram and get teleported into the village.
(Gray Children (21)) Speak with Imril and receive 50 Amethyst Fragment.
(Eligibility to attend the competition) Earning 1000 reputation. Note: Your current reputation with Gray Wolf Village can be viewed in the Reputation menu.
To continue you will need to complete ten or more of the side quests in Gray Wolf Village and/or Rachel which give reputation points. Most quests in Gray Wolf Village will reward 100 reputation for their first completion.
Also note that unlike other servers there is no specific quest needed in addition to reaching 1000+ reputation.
List of side quests
(Gray Wolf Forest Tournament (1)) Once the reputation requirements are met speak with Village Boy wolfvill180179.
(People's Opinion(1)) Speak with Passionate Youth.
(People's Opinion(2)) Speak with Passionate Old Man.
(People's Opinion(3)) Speak with Native Old Man.
(People's Opinion(4)) Speak with Timid Youth.
(Source of Weapons (5)) Travel to Thor's Volcano and speak with Maram thor_v01169169 to be teleported to the next area.
Use Dungeon Teleporter in Eden Group to quickly arrive at floor 1
Thor Military Base Instance
You can use cloak through this whole instance to avoid all monsters.
(Source of Weapons (6)) Speak with Maram que_thr13353 twice to start and enter the instance.
Inside speak with Maram.
To the east click the Lock Device 138,216.
To south then east then southeast and click the second Lock Device 223,109.
Walk west and defeat the waves of monsters spawned by the Watchtowers then click the Lock Device 80,100.
Speak with Miriam 34,100
Click the 5 Pile of Documents around the room. Three piles near the west wall (rotate your camera for one) and two are near the north wall.
(Source of Weapons (7))Speak with Maram to receive 50 Amethyst Fragment and exit the instance.
(Rebellion (1)) Go north and click Goods wolfvill131256.
(Rebellion (2)) Speak with Lamacus and receive 30 Amethyst Fragment.
Wolves Gathering Place instance
(Rebellion (3)) Travel to Rachel and speak with Ordinary Person rachel169245 twice to create and enter the instance.
(Wolf Among Sheep (1)) Speak with Miriam and follow her to the protest.
Speak with Suad.
Follow the navi northeast to the portal at 179,167
Speak with Temple Guard then defeat the group of Temple Guards.
Follow the navi south to the portal at 58,104
Speak with Lamacus then defeat the group of Temple Guards.
Go west then south up the stairs to exit the room then in the hallway go east to the portal at 118,73
Go west and walk near Miriam then speak with Lamacus at 99,47 then defeat the group of Temple Guards.
Go back and exit the room then move east to the portal at 182,104
Go west and speak with Lamacus at 212,104 then defeat the group of Temple Guards.
Exit the room and follow the navi west to Miriam 133,108.
Enter the portal at 120,122 and the next at 120,136 then continue north and speak with Miriam 118,199 then defeat the group of Temple Guards and Heart Hunters.
Speak with Miriam.
Follow the navi south to exit the room and go east to exit the building at 203,219.
Follow the navi east back to the protest 128,165.
Speak with Miriam.
Speak with Saud then defeat the group of Heart Hunters.
and speak with Miriam.
Follow the navi west to the portal at 44,27 to exit the instance.
Villa instance
(Aftermath) Follow the navi to Oz Labyrinth oz_dun01223115.
Click the Appointment Point.
(High Priest's Villa) Speak with Ira to create and enter the instance.
Inside speak with either Ira or Miriam.
Speak with Miriam.
Go west and speak with Villa Employee 100,24.
Go east and speak with Villa Employee 138,39.
Return to Ira at the entrance while defeating the group of Heart Hunters.
Click Miriam then go north and defeat the five groups of Heart Hunters in the room and north hallway.
Miriam will walk north. When she stops speak with Miriam 124,97.
Go west and defeat the four groups of Heart Hunters then click Silver Key 67,182.
Go south then click Locked Door 64,142 and enter portal.
Defeat the group of Heart Hunters then in the northwest corner of the room click Gold Key 30,157.
Exit the room and go to the east side of the hallway and speak with Miriam 182,144.
Enter the portal and speak with the green haired Villa Employee to receive the Spare Key.
Exit the room and speak with Miriam.
Click on Locked Door 175,142 then enter portal.
Defeat the six groups of Heart Hunters to activate the Brilliant Articles then go north and click the two Brilliant Article 131,206 & 116,206 then the Ornate Door 124,209.
Go north and click Elegant Door 124,266 to see which flower is needed.
For Hydrangea go east and click flower shaped device 153,253
For Lily go west and click flower shaped device 89,243
For Rose go west and click flower shaped device 90,225
For Violet go east and click flower shaped device 157,221
For Lotus go east and click flower shaped device 128,238
Go north and click Elegant Door 124,266 and enter the portal.
Go north and speak with Schulang 124,300 then defeat him (something like 30m HP).
Go north and speak with Yus Amal then defeat Twisted God (something like 100m HP).
Go south and speak with Miriam then walk south the exit the instance.
Make sure to destroy the instance so you don't accidentally reenter it...
(Fact Finding) Speak with Maram and be teleported to the temple.
If you didn't destroy instance after previous step and are transported back in the instance, use a butterfly wing or eden badge to get back out. Then use Dungeon Teleporter to get back to Rachel, and use the middle portal on the map to enter temple.
Go and find Miriam in the Sanctum of Sesrunir ra_temin254117
This completes episode 18 Direction of Prayer.
- - Rachel Sanctuary Quest Step 4 (can bypassed 2 ways)
700 Amethyst Fragment Main Quest: 460 Side Quest: 240
In Barmund Mansion Garden go to the Air Ship Depot and speak with Smart Elly ba_in0126266 and receive a Mini Elly upper headgear.
Mini Elly is required to be equipped to complete some steps.
(Towards Rachel (1)) Travel to Rachel and equip Mini Elly.
With Mini Elly equipped walk near or speak with Masked Person rachel182176.
(Towards Rachel (2)/Heated Argument) With Mini Elly equipped speak with Nervous Priest twice and select any option and receive 20 Amethyst Fragment.
Follow the navi southwest and with Mini Elly equipped speak with Suad wolfvill144151.
(Gray Wolf Forest Tournament (2))With Mini Elly equipped speak with Suad for a long dialog.
(Source of Weapons (1)) With Mini Elly equipped speak with Miriam and receive 40 Amethyst Fragment.
(Source of Weapons (2)) With Mini Elly equipped speak with Radical Young Man.
(Source of Weapons (3)) Travel to Rachel and with Mini Elly equipped speak with Bearded Jack rachel7544 and choose Smelly Dandelion.
(Source of Weapons (4)) Travel to Veins and with Mini Elly equipped speak with Dandelion veins293282.
With Mini Elly equipped speak with Miriam.
(Source of Weapons (8)) Go south and with Mini Elly equipped speak with Suad wolfvill140112.
(Wolf Among Sheep (2)) With Mini Elly equipped speak with Niren and receive 60 Amethyst Fragment.
With Mini Elly unequipped speak with Miriam.
(Direction of Prayer) With Mini Elly unequipped speak with Elly's Figure and receive 180 Amethyst Fragment and a Costume Mini Elly.